A brief History of Buttershaw, Wibsey and Bradford

Where we have lived all our lives.

Here is a Brief  look at the History of Wibsey, Buttershaw, Shelf and Bradford.  Wibsey is one of those areas of Bradford that have been neglected by the Bradford Council and by the Government. Fortunately the great people of Wibsey do not neglect it and the original buildings and Architecture, are a credit to those individuals who look after their properties with great pride.

If we had our way, we would devote the whole website to the history of our beautiful county of Yorkshire and indeed England if there was enough space and time to do it.

if its in Blue its a link for you.

Wibsey itself is mentioned in the doomsday book as wisbee.Brief History of Wibsey [Wisbee]

Bradford originally called Broadford Brief history of Bradford [Broadford]

Some old Photographs of Places near Wibsey Photos we personally bought for this Website

Interesting old Billheads with textHave yer got that Bill? What Bill? they don't call me Bill.

A story relating to Folly hall.    Folly Hall, Wibsey. Written in 1901 by Mr James Parker.

Some old Photographs of Wibsey         Wibsey Photographs

Some new Photographs of Wibsey     Modern Wibsey.

Judy North from Judy Woods.Judy North.

History and old Photographs of Buttershaw and Shelf.     Buttershaw and Shelf Photographs.

Some old Photographs of  Bradford                  Bradford Photographs

Some oddments relating to Bradfords past Bradford Scraps.

Bradford Directory we purchased dated 1928     A unique look into Bradford history in 1928

See parts of a book about the history of Bradford that is 160 year old.   By John James 1841

Saltaire Mills Complex 1924.         Bradford Grammer School hints and tips


Thwaites Brothers Limited Bradford a fantastic Book relating to my Profession


         Here is a Book published by J.F. Rhodes, Bradford, England 1890.  J.F. Rhodes, Bradford, England 1890.  and here is some of the pictures we coloured in.


Dainty Dishes from Wibsey.Dainty Dishes from Wibsey.          Low Moor Ironworks 1790 Low Moor Ironworks 1790


Some old Relics found around here.Prehistoric arrow head.


Hey up it's Fields Printers      The Bradford Jowett Car 1952. WOW..



What Moughs your kidding           Grattan 1944 wow.


Rycrofts          The Merry Widow [The Bradford Catholic Players. ]


Conways Leathercraft Bradford 1950s.              Speedway at Odsal

Underneath are various old maps of the area.

West Riding Canal system. 1900sWest Riding Canal system. 1900s                    Oldest map we have.Old map of Bradford.


Wibsey Slack 1884. Map of Wibsey Slack in 1884                                           Bradford Tramways. Bradford Tramways.    


click here to see Bradford in 1945.       and another in 1640s  


Click on this small map to see Bradford town centre in 1820 to 1835.   



Wibsey.Click on this small map to see Wibsey and Buttershaw in 1945.


Bradford Town Centre 1800. Click on this small map to see Bradford town centre in 1800.  and another in 1782.  Kirkgate in 1782.


Click on this small map to see  Wibsey in 1831


Click on this small map to see Wibsey and Buttershaw in 1913.


  click on this small map to see Wibsey Low moor and  Wyke 1913.



House Map



Dining Room


The Library




Laundry Room




Mufflers room



Jokes and funny things


Stories and Tales some fiction some fact



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